Arm’s Development Solutions Group is pleased to announce the release of the new version of Arm Development Studio.  Customers can follow this link to Download Arm Development Studio.

Key highlights (View comprehensive release notes at

Arm DS processor support in Editions

Bronze edition now entitles users to debug and profile Cortex-A35, Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A72 processors enabling mass market devices such as NXP i.MX8 series

Arm Debugger and Debug probes

Stream trace from DSTREAM-PT to host PC in order to extend the trace capture capabilities over the 8GB on-probe memory

Arm Streamline and Graphics Analyzer

Improved ease of use with scripted connection flows removing manual device connection steps

Development Studio supports all types of software development projects from architecture exploration to the development of real-time applications and coding for edge devices. It accelerates system design and software development enabling our partners and customers to get higher quality products to market faster and cost-effectively.

For more information please visit the following assets:

 Arm Development Studio main landing page on

Arm Development Studio main landing page on with video

Relevant Blogs

Brochure for Arm Development Studio in PDF format